Wednesday, February 27, 2013

How Old Are You Actually? Check Your RealAge!

Is it possible to become younger? The folks at RealAge definitely think so. Their Real Age Test utilizes the latest medical research to provide you with the calculated "real age" of your body. In their words, "Your RealAge is a quick scientific calculation of how young or old your body thinks you really are".

The Real Age Test has been recently updated from the original version created by Michael F. Roizen, MD to reflect the latest research. If you have previously taken the Real Age Test but not lately, have another go at it and see how your numbers go. The Test has four main areas of concern including Health, Feelings, Diet, and Fitness. Each of these areas has a very thorough questionnaire  Of course, the accuracy of the results will be affected by how truthful you are in answering every question.
Image of Dan Carroll's Real Age
My Real Age
I found the Real Age Test to be very comprehensive but was still not sure how to answer some of the questions. I may have skewed some of the answers in my favor but I don't believe I was far off the mark. And upon further reflection and a view of the results I may have skewed the results in my disfavor. When asked about your Health "Interests", it might be best to only check those item that you have a legitimate personal interest in. In other words, check those items that pertain to you personally.

The results of the Real Age Test will compare your Actual Age, based on your birth date, to your Real Age, which is the calculated age. They also provide a series of recommendations based on the four main topic areas. But do not despair if you see a number of red pluses on the "Making You Older" icons. Hopefully you will have more minuses highlighting the "Making You Younger" icons.

Your Personal Recommendations will have helpful suggestions on improving your health and making you younger. Take special note of those that ask you to consult with your Doctor. As always, your personal physician should be consulted when making any major changes in your lifestyle especially as this site is meant as entertainment and information, not as medical advice.

As a mature consenting adult you probably have a good idea what to expect from a test such as this. I know I did. And my Doctor had already recommended a number of the recommendations in my result report. I did have a few surprises, some pleasant. Now I have a guide for improving my health and making myself younger.

So go ahead and take your Real Age Test. Share your results if you will. My results are on display on this page. Any and all comments are appreciated and good luck to you all.

Note: There are many resources on their web site related to improving your health including some additional tests that may be of interest. So go to for your test.


The Science Behind the Test - Info on what makes the test work
The Medical Experts Behind the Test - The RealAge Scientific Advisory Board

And here is a Bonus: Top 12 Ways to Make Your RealAge Younger

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