Friday, March 26, 2010


We all know that we should exercise more. And the easiest way to get started is to just start walking. Thirty minutes a day really isn't so difficult. If you can't find the time just get real with yourself. You are just looking for an excuse.

When I first started I was taking walks with my wife around the neighborhood. No effort rreally. Then I started walking at work. With a couple of 10 or 15 minute breaks and a lunch break, I was able to get in 30 to 40 minutes at work and still eat and take care of necessities.

As it is now, I'm not getting enough walking in so end up doing some as part of my workout. I still have the dog to walk and I don't mind walking to town (15 min) or to my in-laws (30 min) now. Another thing is to park away from the entrances at the mall or shopping centers. Some extra walking and get to save the car from shopping carts and other car doors by parking away from the congested areas.

Finally, I need to buy a quality pedometer and start counting the steps I take every day. I believe the standard recommendation by health and fitness experts is to take at least 10,000 steps each day. How many steps are you getting in every day? I'm sure I'm not getting enough but will start working on it.

I hope this has helped someone. Please leave a note with your comment or suggestion. Any and all (constructive) criticism is appreciated. Here's to your health and your getting fit. Till we meet again, take care.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Just to state the obvious, or not so obvious for some maybe, but any and all content contained in my blogs or on these pages is nothing more than my opinion. I am not a medical doctor or a physical trainer, neither am I a dietician. Before you begin any physical activity or diet program, you should consult your physician and/or your dietician.

All claims I make are either directly connected to my own experience or to the experiences of others, or are based on my own research or that of others as noted. Some claims may be based on advertising claims for individual products that I use and/or endorse. I am advising all readers to exercise their own best judgement before trying anything discussed or advertised in my blogs or on these pages.

My express purpose is to provide a forum for discussing my own experiences and research as well as that of select others and the readers of my blog. This is my forum to discuss getting fit. And that is to include physical, mental, and financial fitness, and I guess that would also probably include spiritual fitness.

So let's open the floor for discussion of these areas and please keep it clean. It may be advisable to host discussions of a political or religious nature elsewhere as these two topic areas tend to get quite heated. I am also requesting that we all keep content as clean as possible. If you wouldn't use certain language with a young child or a religious leader or respected elder, then please refrain from using it here. My hope is that this venue will be enjoyable and provide a modicum of useful information.

So, salute! I hope you all enjoy and am looking forward to the future.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

FW: Introduction

From: DAN Carroll <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 11:03 PM
To: Blogger ( <>
Subject: Introduction

Hello, my name is Dan and this blog is about my trail to getting fit. Or trials. I'm 48 years old and have had a desk job for years. I started walking at work last year during my breaks. I also attempted to start a workout program at home.

It didn't really work too well though. My goal was to work out at least 3 times a week and I was lucky to get 1 work out every other week.

Finally, about 2 months ago, in mid January, I was successful in starting, and sticking to, a daily work out schedule. This is now my ninth week doing a 1 to 2 hour workout at least 5 days a week.

My goal is to get fit. Weight loss is a side benefit. I have lost 37 pounds since my heaviest point (267) last summer. 12 of those pounds have been in the last 9 weeks. 10 of the 12 has been since I started the Nutrilite Trim Body System 2 1/2 weeks ago.

I had reached a plateau on my weight loss at 240 pounds. I wasn't really following any set system, just doing my own thing. Most of what I was doing was calisthenics and hand weights. My strength was increasing on almost a daily basis.

I started with 3 reps of 20 arm curls using 10 pound weights. That was more than enough to start burning and start hurting. I worked up to 3 reps of 100 before moving up to 18 pounds. I was really getting into it but afraid I might become obsessed.

As I said, I can feel my strength increasing. But cardios kick my butt. I was following Gilad on fitTV but couldn't always keep up. The Trim Body system did help though. It gave me some needed structure, both for my workouts and menus.

Ok, enough for now. Too be continued.
