Friday, March 26, 2010


We all know that we should exercise more. And the easiest way to get started is to just start walking. Thirty minutes a day really isn't so difficult. If you can't find the time just get real with yourself. You are just looking for an excuse.

When I first started I was taking walks with my wife around the neighborhood. No effort rreally. Then I started walking at work. With a couple of 10 or 15 minute breaks and a lunch break, I was able to get in 30 to 40 minutes at work and still eat and take care of necessities.

As it is now, I'm not getting enough walking in so end up doing some as part of my workout. I still have the dog to walk and I don't mind walking to town (15 min) or to my in-laws (30 min) now. Another thing is to park away from the entrances at the mall or shopping centers. Some extra walking and get to save the car from shopping carts and other car doors by parking away from the congested areas.

Finally, I need to buy a quality pedometer and start counting the steps I take every day. I believe the standard recommendation by health and fitness experts is to take at least 10,000 steps each day. How many steps are you getting in every day? I'm sure I'm not getting enough but will start working on it.

I hope this has helped someone. Please leave a note with your comment or suggestion. Any and all (constructive) criticism is appreciated. Here's to your health and your getting fit. Till we meet again, take care.


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