Tuesday, March 23, 2010

FW: Introduction

From: DAN Carroll <dcarroll809@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 11:03 PM
To: Blogger (Blogger.com) <go@blogger.com>
Subject: Introduction

Hello, my name is Dan and this blog is about my trail to getting fit. Or trials. I'm 48 years old and have had a desk job for years. I started walking at work last year during my breaks. I also attempted to start a workout program at home.

It didn't really work too well though. My goal was to work out at least 3 times a week and I was lucky to get 1 work out every other week.

Finally, about 2 months ago, in mid January, I was successful in starting, and sticking to, a daily work out schedule. This is now my ninth week doing a 1 to 2 hour workout at least 5 days a week.

My goal is to get fit. Weight loss is a side benefit. I have lost 37 pounds since my heaviest point (267) last summer. 12 of those pounds have been in the last 9 weeks. 10 of the 12 has been since I started the Nutrilite Trim Body System 2 1/2 weeks ago.

I had reached a plateau on my weight loss at 240 pounds. I wasn't really following any set system, just doing my own thing. Most of what I was doing was calisthenics and hand weights. My strength was increasing on almost a daily basis.

I started with 3 reps of 20 arm curls using 10 pound weights. That was more than enough to start burning and start hurting. I worked up to 3 reps of 100 before moving up to 18 pounds. I was really getting into it but afraid I might become obsessed.

As I said, I can feel my strength increasing. But cardios kick my butt. I was following Gilad on fitTV but couldn't always keep up. The Trim Body system did help though. It gave me some needed structure, both for my workouts and menus.

Ok, enough for now. Too be continued.


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