Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Just to state the obvious, or not so obvious for some maybe, but any and all content contained in my blogs or on these pages is nothing more than my opinion. I am not a medical doctor or a physical trainer, neither am I a dietician. Before you begin any physical activity or diet program, you should consult your physician and/or your dietician.

All claims I make are either directly connected to my own experience or to the experiences of others, or are based on my own research or that of others as noted. Some claims may be based on advertising claims for individual products that I use and/or endorse. I am advising all readers to exercise their own best judgement before trying anything discussed or advertised in my blogs or on these pages.

My express purpose is to provide a forum for discussing my own experiences and research as well as that of select others and the readers of my blog. This is my forum to discuss getting fit. And that is to include physical, mental, and financial fitness, and I guess that would also probably include spiritual fitness.

So let's open the floor for discussion of these areas and please keep it clean. It may be advisable to host discussions of a political or religious nature elsewhere as these two topic areas tend to get quite heated. I am also requesting that we all keep content as clean as possible. If you wouldn't use certain language with a young child or a religious leader or respected elder, then please refrain from using it here. My hope is that this venue will be enjoyable and provide a modicum of useful information.

So, salute! I hope you all enjoy and am looking forward to the future.


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